Newman Marchive Incorporated recently celebrated Lauren’s 45th year as partner!

Michael Newman, Brady Henderson & Franco Zaragoza celebrating Lauren Marchive’s 45th year as partner!

The celebration included NMI’s introduction of its new partners, Brady Henderson and Franco Zaragoza. Brady is our Environmental Manager who graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and holds numerous asbestos, lead, radon, and radon risk certifications. Franco is our firm’s Project Designer who graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a Bachelor of Architecture and is LEED Accredited Professional.

The affair was held on Thursday afternoon, November 3, 2022. The beautiful local Superior Steakhouse venue was the perfect atmosphere to end the day’s work providing plenty of delicious hors d’ouevres and all the other trimmings. We had a wonderful turnout with plenty of visiting, rekindling of long-time friends and colleagues, as well as welcoming new friends and colleagues.

Thanks to all who took time out to be with us to celebrate Lauren’s professionalism, dedication and friendships.