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Environmental Services

For over 30 years, we have provided Environmental Services for our governmental, school board, religious, and business clients. We have extensive experience in the areas shown below, and our staff has training, certifications, and licensees as required.


We hold professional certifications as asbestos inspectors, management planners, supervisors and designers. We can provide asbestos surveys, evaluations, sampling and analysis, operation and maintenance programs, surveillance and three year re-inspections, project air monitoring, project supervision, claim documentation, and laboratory services.  We also do abatement project design, air monitoring, clearance inspections.  We provide client training for the asbestos designated person and employee two-hour awareness classes.

Lead Paint

Our staff is trained and has certifications for lead paint inspections, risk assessments, project supervision, and air monitoring. Our services are available at various levels for inspections of facilities. We can provide Elevated Blood Lead level (EBL) investigations for individuals or agencies. We use XRF technology for paint sampling, as well as paint chip and dust sampling.

Indoor Air Quality / Mold

We provide building inspections and sampling for mold, indoor air sampling, personnel questionnaires, review for sick building syndrome, and review for volatile organic compounds, petroleum products, and mold evaluations. 

Radon and Moisture Intrusion

We have certified radon inspectors and can do initial building evaluations and sampling.  We can provided radon mitigation plans and final sampling.

Our staff can perform moisture intrusion inspections utilizing infra-red thermography to identify moisture and air leakage in buildings.

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